
We’re once more in the final months counting down to another Harry Potter cinematic disaster. I’ve been keeping my nose out of Harry Potter related news because I don’t want to get ranting on it all over again, but I couldn’t stay away.

So the most recent news from the HBP (Half-Blood Prince for anyone new to the series) is that they plan on making a nice, long documentary on the making of the film. Other than that, all WB has managed to do is make some hideous looking HD posters (why do we NEED HD posters!? for our HD bedrooms?!) They are some of the ugliest photos I’ve ever seen of the actors. But that’s not all WB has done. Nope, those productive little weasels (sorry Ron) have managed to take their original trailers, and re-order the clips to make new ones! Hurrah! And then “exclusive” movie clips aired during various televised events, and about 50 more random images of the actors faces from a random scene are surfacing. Great job WB. Way to promote the movie. There’s nothing we fans like more than the same trailer over and over and the same images over and over. Seriously WB? Seriously? What kind of cheap money stealing ploys are these supposed to be?

As for Deathly Hallows, things are looking alright so far (besides the 2 movies thing). Xenophilius has been cast, along with Grindelwald, Mundungus (shouldn’t he have been cast for the 5th…?) and Aberforth. Poesy is also in talks to appear in the final films, even though the marriage of Bill and Fleur has since been cut from the films all together. Filming has already started on the first of the two films. It is rumoured to even feature the Granger family, whom we’ve never seen hide nor hair of.

Anyways, I don’t really intend on seeing HBP so far. I mean, maybe in a discount theater or something. This is getting a bit rediculous. Here’s hoping for a miracle.

Film Critic Competition!!

Wow, so I found out about a competiton in my town here for writing movie reviews. I’m soooo psyched. Movies are my life! And I basically stated that too. Hahah… So yeah. Here’s hoping I win and get published!!!


Please note that this blog contains movie spoilers. You Have been warned.

So after a looong wait, I finally got to see Watchmen and I must say, it did NOT disappoint. The story basically follows the comic book to a T, except I slightly think I prefer the movies version to the comics. It takes place in a time where the doomsday clock is 5 minutes to midnight on a clock that predicts the chance of a nuclear holocaust and where America and the Soviet Union are inches from going to war. The only thing stopping the war so far is Dr. Manhattan, a science accident gone wrong. This walking H-bomb was once teamed up with a group of costumed adventurers; Ozymandias, The Comedian, The Silk Spectre II, Rorshach, and Nite Owl II. But the Keene Act has since outlawed masked heroes and they’ve gone their separate ways. The murder of The Comedian leads Rorshach to think that someone is out to kill their old group, The Watchmen, one by one to keep them from stopping something. This suspicion is backed up when Dr. Manhattan is accused of giving everyone he was close to cancer and is harassed by the public, along with an attempt on Ozymandias’ life. Manhattan leaves Earth for Mars, thus somewhat provoking the Soviet Union to increase their nuclear threat in Afghanistan. The Watchmen (at least, Rorshach, Nite Owl II and Silk Spectre II) regroup and hunt down who could possibly be out to kill them. They are led to Ozymandias, whom replicated Dr. Manhattan’s powers and set him up to make him upset and leave Earth. Ozymandias then causes an intense explosion in the most populated cities in the world and blames it on Manhattan. This causes all major world powers to come together in peace against Dr. Manhattan. The Watchmen know that if they tell anyone that it wasn’t Dr. Manhattan, then war will begin again, so they have to keep quiet. Except…Rorshach did have that journal..

This movie was intense. Breathtaking. Sexy. Powerful. The first thing that caught me was the atmosphere of the movie. It fits the novel and the movie perfectly. The music and the sound effects worked together to make an extraordinary union. Then the violence and action and gore was awesome. It made me cringe. It made me drool. It made me want to take martial arts lessons and save the world. The character development was very well done. It made me feel personally connected to the characters in a way. And the actors were amazing and perfect in their roles. The overall flow and pacing of the movie was very well done and was easy to follow without taking baby steps to get to the plot rolling and without leaping in head first like a flaming cannonball. The relationship between Nite Owl II and Silk Specter II was brilliant. It made me wish I was in love too. The actors had an irresistible chemistry on screen.

So Watchmen is definately in the running for Best Movie of 2009 so far. I give it a 4.5 out of 5. Catch it in theater all this month.

So it’s been a few weeks since Christian Bale went all BLAUUUGH on set. But seriously guys, I think he has the right to. I mean check it out. Like Bale is the star of Batman, right? But is he nominated for anything? No. Does he win anything? No. Does anyone rave over his performance? No. Did anyone buy the DVD to see him? No. Now granted, he does kind of suck at acting, but really guys, give him a break. We have basically thrown his role in his face and told him that we care more about a dead guy that plays an evil psycho than we do about about a hero. I’m not saying we need to start nominating him for things, let’s just save that for when he learns to act. But we should still recognize him at least. Give him a pat on the back. Nice job, Bale. Keep working at it and I know you’ll get there. You’ve got the potential, man. So lets not make him out to be the bad guy here. We are the bad guys. So lets give Bale a chance and stop making remixes of his breakdown.

Another night, another otherwise deserved award granted to a movie chosen by Hollywood’s slaves. This years award theft? Slumdog Millionaire. A pathetically boring movie that caters to the bullshit trends formed by Hollywood to see what kind of shit they can come out with this time. We all know Ledger didn’t win those awards because he was genuinely GOOD, but because he DIED. None of the other nominees where good either. They just catered to the crap Hollywood wished for everyone to conform to. Look at the nominees. Its the SAME MOVIE. So why did Slumdog win? Same plot. Same filming style. BUT OH DANG. It has POOR INDIANS OVERCOMING POVERTY. The rest of the people in their hometown are dying from starvation and such, and we give them a trophy. Great going, Academy. Pity awards make me gag. I pray that this year has better movie choices. Oh who am I kidding. Best movies so far have been Gran Torino and Coraline. Still can’t wait for Watchmen.

Oscars; Watchmen

So I just found out that Jackmon is hosting the Oscars this year. Yeah, I’m totally slow on these award ceremony deals. I’ve been really aggravated with the nominees lately. Its the same damn movie over and over. And then the same damn winner too. I don’t see the point of Slumdog Millionaire. Whatever. Bah. I’ll watch it for Hugh. And maybe for a few awards. Like best costume and what not.

As for Watchmen, I found a new book on it at the book store the other day. It was the movie companion book. Every shot and quote in there, I could trace to the original graphic novel. It made me happy. Maybe Alan Moore will be happy with a movie based off of his work for once! Here’s hoping. Haha. Anyways, it looks FANTASTIC. I’m slightly sad that everyone is all over that Rorschach and no one remembers Night Owl II. I mean Ozymandias and Silk Spectre II are my favourites but I still have a soft spot for old Dan there. Oh well. Everything I see from this movie looks fantastic. I’m really excited to see it.

Two Movie Reviews

Well, I finally got to see two movies I was really excited to see recently: Repo! The Genetic Opera and Wanted.

Repo! is a stunning musical rock and roll opera essentially about organ failure. It goes like this. When people started dying at a rapid pace due to organ failures, mostly caused by their own over indulgence in harmful behavior, GeneCo. was there to save the world. For a price. They supplied the healthy organs now, and you could pay later. But if you missed a payment, they had the legal right to repossess your organs. The movie follows a young girl named Shilo whom is kept in her room day and night due to an illness by her father. When she begins sneaking out, she slowly learns what a mess the world has gotten itself into. And when GeneCo’s founder finds he is dying of something incurable, he must find someone to leave his company to. His children are corrupt freaks. His tale intertwines with Shilo’s as it is revealed that Shilo’s father is a Repo Man, working for GeneCo and that he married the woman GeneCo’s founder was in love with. He pits Shilo against her father and she must decide for herself what is right and what is wrong. It is a clever story about being yourself regardless of what others think of you. The music is catchy and well done. The effects and scene transitions were original in themselves. I thought I’d hate it but it was pretty good. I give it 4 1/2 livers out of 5.

Now, Wanted was raved about by everyone and I really wanted to see what all of the hype was about. It’s a semi original story. it reminds me of Pulp Fiction and Fight Club and those types of movies thrown together. I thought it was predictable and at times, boring. The flow was choppy at times. The effects were enjoyable. The acting was good. The plot line was lacking. It was clever and fun to watch for all of the killing and action, but the who plot line was weak in itself. 3 bullets out of 5 on this one.

More bad vampire flicks. I could puke.

Just saw a preview thing on television about the new Underworld movie. It said “Better than the first two!”. Because it obviously could get worse then those? Aha.

Underworld is a horribly filtered, horribly written, horribly acted, pathetic excuse for a vampire movie. It’s just the methed up version of Twilight.

I know this isn’t a review, but I am just annoyed at seeing ads for it and am hoping that less viewers might convince the producers to just shelf it.

Gran Torino

I went in with my doubts. I thought it wasn’t all it was hyped up to be. But Gran Torino is definately one of the most mind blowing and touching films I ever seen. I realized about 20 minutes into the movie that it was amazing and almost cried, and by the end, I was crying. But not just because of the spectacular acting and the pacing, no. The story is incredibly brilliant and the script is perfection. This is the movie of the season. The movie of the year. Of our generation. In a world of bad choices, in a world of broken hearts and crime, a change was needed. Is needed. This movie is what our society needs. Let me break it down. You start with Walt, a old, racist man whom has just lost his wife and whose sons want nothing to do with him. At the reception, you meet his baby, his vintage Gran Torino that he built himself in the factories long ago. A group of asians move in next to him, to his disgust. But one day, a small, kindhearted decision changes old Walt’s life when he stops a gang from harassing his neighbor, Sue. He soon become one with the foreign family and culture and celebrates and grieves with them. He comes to love them more than his own sons. When tradgedy strikes, he finally sees the light of his ways and makes a valient desicion that changes everything. This movie was incredibly touching. It is powerful. It is a MUST. SEE. I can’t go into anymore detail without spoiling it. 8 stars out of 5.

I’m on Twitter!!!

Yeah. I’m excited. I know I totaly swore I’d never join Twitter, but I have. So those that aren’t FB stalkers can follow me on Twitter for new blog updates and when I’ve seen a movie and for crap about my personal life.