
Posts Tagged ‘hugh jackmon’

So I just found out that Jackmon is hosting the Oscars this year. Yeah, I’m totally slow on these award ceremony deals. I’ve been really aggravated with the nominees lately. Its the same damn movie over and over. And then the same damn winner too. I don’t see the point of Slumdog Millionaire. Whatever. Bah. I’ll watch it for Hugh. And maybe for a few awards. Like best costume and what not.

As for Watchmen, I found a new book on it at the book store the other day. It was the movie companion book. Every shot and quote in there, I could trace to the original graphic novel. It made me happy. Maybe Alan Moore will be happy with a movie based off of his work for once! Here’s hoping. Haha. Anyways, it looks FANTASTIC. I’m slightly sad that everyone is all over that Rorschach and no one remembers Night Owl II. I mean Ozymandias and Silk Spectre II are my favourites but I still have a soft spot for old Dan there. Oh well. Everything I see from this movie looks fantastic. I’m really excited to see it.

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