
Posts Tagged ‘Wanted’

Well, I finally got to see two movies I was really excited to see recently: Repo! The Genetic Opera and Wanted.

Repo! is a stunning musical rock and roll opera essentially about organ failure. It goes like this. When people started dying at a rapid pace due to organ failures, mostly caused by their own over indulgence in harmful behavior, GeneCo. was there to save the world. For a price. They supplied the healthy organs now, and you could pay later. But if you missed a payment, they had the legal right to repossess your organs. The movie follows a young girl named Shilo whom is kept in her room day and night due to an illness by her father. When she begins sneaking out, she slowly learns what a mess the world has gotten itself into. And when GeneCo’s founder finds he is dying of something incurable, he must find someone to leave his company to. His children are corrupt freaks. His tale intertwines with Shilo’s as it is revealed that Shilo’s father is a Repo Man, working for GeneCo and that he married the woman GeneCo’s founder was in love with. He pits Shilo against her father and she must decide for herself what is right and what is wrong. It is a clever story about being yourself regardless of what others think of you. The music is catchy and well done. The effects and scene transitions were original in themselves. I thought I’d hate it but it was pretty good. I give it 4 1/2 livers out of 5.

Now, Wanted was raved about by everyone and I really wanted to see what all of the hype was about. It’s a semi original story. it reminds me of Pulp Fiction and Fight Club and those types of movies thrown together. I thought it was predictable and at times, boring. The flow was choppy at times. The effects were enjoyable. The acting was good. The plot line was lacking. It was clever and fun to watch for all of the killing and action, but the who plot line was weak in itself. 3 bullets out of 5 on this one.

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