
Archive for the ‘Harry Potter’ Category

We’re once more in the final months counting down to another Harry Potter cinematic disaster. I’ve been keeping my nose out of Harry Potter related news because I don’t want to get ranting on it all over again, but I couldn’t stay away.

So the most recent news from the HBP (Half-Blood Prince for anyone new to the series) is that they plan on making a nice, long documentary on the making of the film. Other than that, all WB has managed to do is make some hideous looking HD posters (why do we NEED HD posters!? for our HD bedrooms?!) They are some of the ugliest photos I’ve ever seen of the actors. But that’s not all WB has done. Nope, those productive little weasels (sorry Ron) have managed to take their original trailers, and re-order the clips to make new ones! Hurrah! And then “exclusive” movie clips aired during various televised events, and about 50 more random images of the actors faces from a random scene are surfacing. Great job WB. Way to promote the movie. There’s nothing we fans like more than the same trailer over and over and the same images over and over. Seriously WB? Seriously? What kind of cheap money stealing ploys are these supposed to be?

As for Deathly Hallows, things are looking alright so far (besides the 2 movies thing). Xenophilius has been cast, along with Grindelwald, Mundungus (shouldn’t he have been cast for the 5th…?) and Aberforth. Poesy is also in talks to appear in the final films, even though the marriage of Bill and Fleur has since been cut from the films all together. Filming has already started on the first of the two films. It is rumoured to even feature the Granger family, whom we’ve never seen hide nor hair of.

Anyways, I don’t really intend on seeing HBP so far. I mean, maybe in a discount theater or something. This is getting a bit rediculous. Here’s hoping for a miracle.

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Alright, I just read a news article online about how people are STILL going nuts over the postponement of Harry Potter. For real guys? Like that was decided ages ago. It’s time to get over it. Petitions won’t do anything. Crying won’t do anything. The movie is going to SUCK anyways, like the past ones have because Yates and Heyman are mentally retarded and wouldn’t be able to pick a Harry Potter book out of a pile of dictionaries. Besides, Twilight was released to satisfy the need for a terrible book-based movie anyways. That should be enough for you. Stop. Complaining. About. The. Potter. Release. Date. It’s not going to get anyone anywhere. It’s too late. The day of its original release is here and guess what, NO POTTER. So shut up and wait for it like a good fanatic. In the men time, we still have the release of Beedle the Bard to look forward to. So focus on that instead.

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Don’t see Disaster Movie. Please. And encourage everyone you know too not to go. I think that maybe a a loss of money will be the thing to shut them up for good. Please, for the sake of movies everywhere, do not support this garbage. I know parodies can be funny, but these guys are just being pathetic.

In other news, people are apparently protesting against WB moving the Harry Potter movie date by not going to see it the first week. I don’t blame them for being angry, but I still think they should use the next 9 or so months to go back through the movie and de-crapify it. I invented a word there. Some people don’t like me “attacking” the HP movies. Look, I only do it because I am an insane Potter fan and these movies do not do it justice. In fact, its a travesty! I mean, look at everything they cut for “budget reasons” when they report making tons and tons of money with every release which more then doubles the production cost. They’re only making the movies for money now. The actors are getting progressively terrible (Emma Watson makes me want to puke and Daniel is uglllly!) and they’ve lost so much of the story in cutting out things, that they’re resorting to 2 movies for the final book. The first 2 movies are the best. Chris Columbus was amazing. If you have any complaints,  then first, go reread the series and then watch the movies. I think as fans, we deserve a real movie.

On a Harry Potter note, Happy Birthday to Rupert Grint! He turned 20 yesterday apparently. He’s a very good actor, considering the crap they give him to work with.  Anyways, thank you guys for reading, as always, and I hope to finally report back with some good movie news soon. It’s been bleak lately.

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Aha. I’m sooo happy. I just found out they’re kicking the new Potter movie out to July of 09. They say it’s to “bridge the gap”. Lies. It’s because they failed to produce a trailer soon enough. But yeah, I’m really happy, because I am sooo not in the mood to think about seeing that fiasco so soon. Maybe they can use these extra months to produce a GOOD MOVIE. Like they will..ha.. Anyways, I know that a lot of people are sad about it, but really, like, Beedle the Bard is out in December (in time for my birthday, if you’re wondering what to get me) so that should be enough to hold you. Like the two would have been really close together anyways because the movie was going to be released in November.  So look at it this way: It’s stretching out anticipation for the fandom so they can hold you for longer.

Also, thanks everyone for reading and voicing your opinions. I love talking about movies and hearing what others have to say. And I hope the fandom isn’t too mad at me for this post. Haha.

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Well, somehow, we finally have the trailer we’ve waited months for.  It is available here.

So, I’m both excited and annoyed. It starts off with a shot of the Hogwarts Express, and then we see Dumbledore taking out the memories for the pensive and Harry goes in.  From there on, it’s just the scene where Dumbledore finds Riddle in the orphanage and we see how “evil the kid is” and stuff. It just seems dark and overly dramatic. It doesn’t make me interested in seeing it. I feel  like “Ok, well now it seems like its a dull copy of the book” and it doesn’t contain anything that makes me go “ooh, that looks pretty neat.” All of the other trailers atleast had a nice magical atmosphere. This was just …blah. I hope they can come out with something more interesting.  No doubt it’ll be horrible, but there’s always SOMETHING interesting in each movie to make it worth watching.

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So, for some reason I’ve been having trouble with WP so I couldn’t make updates. But now it’s working again. Yay! Since it’s too late for me to review it, I’ll just tell you that Kung Fu Panda was great. It wasn’t a stupid child’s movie filled with innuendos and such. It’s clever, witty, and clean cut. Skadoosh!

Now for WallE. The Disney/Pixar event of the summer lived more than up to it’s hype. WallE follows a robot that has been left on Earth to clean up the mess the humans have made. All of the other robots of his kind have died, but WallE lives on. One day, a probe named Eve comes to earth in a spaceship. These probes are sent to look for signs of plant growth on Earth from the spaceship that left earth for a 5r year trip, 700 years ago, with all of Earth’s population aboard. WallE falls in love with Eve and presents her with various objects he’s found in the ruins of his resident US city (presumably New York), one of these is a plant he discovered growing the debris. Eve takes it and shuts down and the ship returns to take her away. WallE hangs on for the ride to get Eve back. It is so sweet and cute with humour for all ages. Like we’d expect less from the boys who brought us Toy Story and Finding Nemo. It’s genius and has a great message. I give it 5 out of 5 stars. An instant classic. An environmentalists dream. And the sweetest romance I’ve seen in a while.  Be sure and see it in an HD theater or in IMAX for the best experience.

And no Potter trailer yet. We’re all getting suspicious…what’s WB doing exactly?

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Every Muggle Cast podcast episode for the past few months has asked the question: Where’s the trailer? The movie Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is long overdue for a teaser trailer. There have been speculations and so far, no one has said the movie I’m about to suggest. WallE. The creators of WallE have made movies that have rocked basically every generation. Harry Potter, too, has rocked every other generation. So the 2 fit together. I give Andrew props for telling people to go see Indy 4 and record themselves when they see the trailer, but it’s ridiculous to have it  premier with such a film. The 2 films cater to almost completely different audiences.  Where as both WallE and Harry Potter have my Disney disliking boyfriend giddy. I think that says something. But then I very well could be wrong. Don’t go see WallE expecting to see Harry Potter. Go see WallE cause it looks AWESOME. However, if you do see WallE and the Harry Potter trailer is on it, please record yourself yelling “FILMING FLAMINGO” and send it in to Andrew at mugglecast at andrew@staff.mugglenet.com


As for the purple shorts..The Hulk. Why? Everyone’s is like “Didn’t they already make this movie?”. And frankly, that one sucked. This one looks awesome. So I ask, as everyone else is, why? Won’t the first bad film give it bad publicity? Most people I’ve talked to are really iffy on the subject. They don’t care to see “the same thing twice”. Any thoughts?

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Believe it or not, I love Harry Potter. It’s the movies I take issue with. First off, poor Rowling is having her life invaded ONCE AGAIN. She’s currently in court over a photo taken of her son. She wants privacy, people! Leave Jo aloneeee!!!

As for another beef with the films,  Emma Watson and Daniel Radcliff were nominated for best Actress and Actor. Wtf was the committee thinking when it nominated them?   First off, Emma isn’t a bad actress, but Yates (more on him in a minute) has like no character development for her, so all her character is is just some whiny know it all girl who doesn’t grow up. And then Daniel is just a bad actor. Deadbeat Daniel. He’s all…over dramatic and serious. TOO over dramatic and serious. “ohmygosh Dumbledore!   ANGST ANGST ANGST!” And in interviews,  he acts quite like the arrogant little douchebag.  THEN there’s David Yates. And, what the hell, he won best director on Order of the Pheonix!? What the hell are they being judged on? That movie was so terribly made. Its like “How much angst and turmoil can we fit into a one hour time limit? Really? Ok. And the other 3 minutes of this short ass movie can just be random sees of Trelawnee being weird and Umbridge being a bitch. There, I think we’ve got a movie.” Really, it was just Harry angsting, Hermione being all “lyke oh em gee Harry stop angsting”, Umbridge being a whore (amazing role, btw. Props to the actress, this was the only good thing in this movie), Dumbledore leering, and then battle scenes with random shit and music thrown in at odd points. Like Dumbledores Army. That was, what, a whole 35 seconds? The Harry and Cho scene lasted longer than the Dumbledores Army scene, sheesh! And there was that one kid that kept screwing up that was put there for random humour..wtf was that?

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So, for over a month or so now, the director of the final Harry Potter movie (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, for all those who have been living under a rock this past year) has been up in the air, along with whether or not the book will be split into 2 movies.

My opinion: WHY DO WE NEED IT TO BE IN 2 PARTS!? Yeah, I know it’s an important book, and I know the writers want to give it everything it deserves. But honestly, people are going to forget things between the two movies or be unsatisfied with the first installment. Why can’t they just make a really long movie? Oh, know who is good at making long, amazing movies? Peter Jackson. Though, he’s making Halo, Tintin, The Lovely Bones, and a bit of The Hobbit.  But I’m sure he’d make room for Harry Potter. Would that not be epic? A 5 hour Harry Potter film. Well worth the $6.50. And think of the popcorn sales!

But really, I’ll be pissed if it’s a 2 part crappy movie like the past few ones have been. Nothing is really official  yet, we’re just waiting on Warner Brothers’ official statement.

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So, ABC Family is having their Harry Potter marathon this weekend. I own all but the 5th movie, but still I couldn’t resist watching. I absolutely love the first two. But then the third one came on and I thought “Wtf is this?”. Yeah, I’d seen it like a thousand times but I hadn’t really thought about how different the newer movies are from the first two. Then newer movies are darker. Yes, they’re supposed to be, but it’s different. The grounds and Hogwarts in general have lost their warm atmosphere. Now it’s all comical and …well…edited. The Fat Lady is now a drama queen, Dumbledore is harsh and seemingly uncaring, the students run amok in modern clothing. What is this?! I know that there are different directors but, they could atleast pick up where the others leave off. There’s also the lack of character development as far as Hermione and the Weasley’s. We don’t even see the ghosts anymore. I don’t recall seeing Nearly Headless Nick since he was petrified by the Basilisk. Same with Dobby.

We need Chris Columbus back. Even if he did write a crappy Indiana Jones script.

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