
Posts Tagged ‘entertainment’

So it’s been a few weeks since Christian Bale went all BLAUUUGH on set. But seriously guys, I think he has the right to. I mean check it out. Like Bale is the star of Batman, right? But is he nominated for anything? No. Does he win anything? No. Does anyone rave over his performance? No. Did anyone buy the DVD to see him? No. Now granted, he does kind of suck at acting, but really guys, give him a break. We have basically thrown his role in his face and told him that we care more about a dead guy that plays an evil psycho than we do about about a hero. I’m not saying we need to start nominating him for things, let’s just save that for when he learns to act. But we should still recognize him at least. Give him a pat on the back. Nice job, Bale. Keep working at it and I know you’ll get there. You’ve got the potential, man. So lets not make him out to be the bad guy here. We are the bad guys. So lets give Bale a chance and stop making remixes of his breakdown.

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So I just found out that Jackmon is hosting the Oscars this year. Yeah, I’m totally slow on these award ceremony deals. I’ve been really aggravated with the nominees lately. Its the same damn movie over and over. And then the same damn winner too. I don’t see the point of Slumdog Millionaire. Whatever. Bah. I’ll watch it for Hugh. And maybe for a few awards. Like best costume and what not.

As for Watchmen, I found a new book on it at the book store the other day. It was the movie companion book. Every shot and quote in there, I could trace to the original graphic novel. It made me happy. Maybe Alan Moore will be happy with a movie based off of his work for once! Here’s hoping. Haha. Anyways, it looks FANTASTIC. I’m slightly sad that everyone is all over that Rorschach and no one remembers Night Owl II. I mean Ozymandias and Silk Spectre II are my favourites but I still have a soft spot for old Dan there. Oh well. Everything I see from this movie looks fantastic. I’m really excited to see it.

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Well, I finally got to see two movies I was really excited to see recently: Repo! The Genetic Opera and Wanted.

Repo! is a stunning musical rock and roll opera essentially about organ failure. It goes like this. When people started dying at a rapid pace due to organ failures, mostly caused by their own over indulgence in harmful behavior, GeneCo. was there to save the world. For a price. They supplied the healthy organs now, and you could pay later. But if you missed a payment, they had the legal right to repossess your organs. The movie follows a young girl named Shilo whom is kept in her room day and night due to an illness by her father. When she begins sneaking out, she slowly learns what a mess the world has gotten itself into. And when GeneCo’s founder finds he is dying of something incurable, he must find someone to leave his company to. His children are corrupt freaks. His tale intertwines with Shilo’s as it is revealed that Shilo’s father is a Repo Man, working for GeneCo and that he married the woman GeneCo’s founder was in love with. He pits Shilo against her father and she must decide for herself what is right and what is wrong. It is a clever story about being yourself regardless of what others think of you. The music is catchy and well done. The effects and scene transitions were original in themselves. I thought I’d hate it but it was pretty good. I give it 4 1/2 livers out of 5.

Now, Wanted was raved about by everyone and I really wanted to see what all of the hype was about. It’s a semi original story. it reminds me of Pulp Fiction and Fight Club and those types of movies thrown together. I thought it was predictable and at times, boring. The flow was choppy at times. The effects were enjoyable. The acting was good. The plot line was lacking. It was clever and fun to watch for all of the killing and action, but the who plot line was weak in itself. 3 bullets out of 5 on this one.

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Well, I finally got to see Australia yesterday, and let me tell you, I was not disappointed. This was one of the most heart capturing movies I have come across in a while. It’s a typical Baz film. Full of comedy and love in all of the right places, and several tear jerking moments. I don’t know how I left the theater without crying. I almost started like 4 times. Here’s my short pro con run through before I get to the in depth part.


  • Excellent Acting. Nicole Kidman beautifully protrays a stuck up, prudish English woman that softens to find love. Hugh Jackmon is amazing as usual as the rough rider cowboy mommy always warned you about. The child actor did very well too, and the supporting actors did nothing but support.
  • Excellent plot. It is very original and gripping and beautifully written.
  • Great shots. It does a ton of justice to beautiful Australia.
  • Touching. Like I said, I almost started to cry several times. But then again, Lord of the Rings leaves me in tears.


  • Running length. It is very long and I was really sore ans sick afterward. I thought it was going to end several times. Very Jacksonesque.
  • The opening sequence was very confusing. It makes sense later, but it could have bee executed better.

Alright, well the movie opens with an aboriginal child talking. He tells about the situation: that his mother is an aboriginal woman and that he is half white, meaning his father is one of the white men. His grandfather is an aboriginal witchdoctor named King George. He is teaching the boy, Nullah, to sing to the fish in the river to command them. While doing this, they see the white men herding some cattle across the river into the lands owned by the CCC beef company. Then a man is murdered in front of Nullah’s eyes. This part was very confusing. I wasn’t really sure what to make of it..but it was explained later. The story progresses from there with the arrival of Sarah Ashley, wife of the dead man, and Drover. The two are enemies on sight but have a common goal: they want to beat the CCC for stealing their good cattle to sell. Together, they round up a gang of wily characters to drive the cattle to the city of Darwin to be shipped off before the CCC can sell their load and get away with theft. Along the way, they exploit racial segregation and show that love has no skin colour. The story becomes heart breaking when Sarah and Drover fall in love and he decides to leave to drive cattle for the army. Nullah is captured by a missionary group that take the children of black and white couples to make them act “white”. Basically to civilize them and get rid of the aboriginal  in them. Then the Japanese attack and all hope seems lost. It was unbearably sad when Drover returns to get Sarah because he loved her only to find that the place she worked at was bombed and that the island Nalluh was on was bombed. It is truly amazing. I absolutely love it. I woudl recommend this for most anyone. There’s plenty of action for the men, love for the women, and comedy and drama in between to appease everyone. It compiles a love story with stunning visuals and the pain of the human heart to create one of the best movies I have seen all year.

I award it 5 joey kangaroos out of 5.

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So I’m reading an article right now about Christopher Nolan, and he says the he is “unsure” about making a third Batman movie. Oh please. Everyone knows there will be a third. Look at how much money TDK made? Will they pass up another oppertunity like that? I don’t think so. Right now, it seems like Nolan is just trying to generate more publcity. Will it happen? Won’t it happen? What if it does? What will it be about?  Blah blah blah. Nolan knows he is going to make another Batman movie in a few years. “Oh, it’s too much work. Blah blah. I don’t know.” His ploy is just obnoxious. You cant end a series like this suddenly. If Nolan refuses to continue it, then another director will take his crew and run with it. And poor Nolan will lose all that money and his rep. And manhood. Dude, Nolan, just admit it. You’re planning the third. It’ll be out by ’11. Admit it.

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Well, I didn’t bother to see Saw 5, as usual. I just looked up what happened. I wish people knew when to stop. Anyways, so going through it, there were so many insignificant characters left and right that its impossible to keep track. And the traps were lacking in intensity. A nice twist though  is that the main 5 people in the traps all could have survived, but ended up killing each other. But that had no connection to the actual plot. It was mostly just a lot of BLAH. Interesting story line, bad execution. Better luck next time? Yes, there will be a next time. Any hope? None what so ever. Maybe they’ll do it right this time. Most likely they won’t, but you never can tell with these movie people. I mean this one wasn’t even as gorey as the others. I think the tracheatomy and the hand crunch were the worse things. Maybe the end where they have to bleed themselves. To see or not to see? Not to see, definately. Even if you love yummy gore.

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Well, my laptop freaked out the other week and crashed like, 50 times in one day. I’m not even kidding. So, I’m not able to type any extensive movie reviews at this time. Which sucks because Fear(s) is coming out this weekend! I don’t know if it’ll be here where I live, but I’m trying to contact the theaters and see if they can get it. If you haven’t seen the trailer yet, then I suggest you take a look. It looks very original and I’m totally psyched for it. Hopefully, my computer will be fixed in time for me to do an extensive movie review on it.

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Alright, so I have a major beef with High School Musical. Besides the fact that it’s just plain retarded, but, excuse me, when did it become ok to lie to the youth of America? I think I’ve been over this before, but this series is a disgrace to film, first of all. But mostly, it presents the youth of America with a sick and twisted view of high school. High school is not a happy place where everyone gets the parts in plays that they want and the basketball team doesn’t win every game and there isn’t a happily ever after. The truth about high school is that you have to work for what you want and compete against cruel, backstabbing freaks that get to the top by lying. In the real world, the valedictorian cheated their way through school, and beats out those that spend hours studying. The ‘beloved’ sports players are not hot, but the school underdogs that are good at nothing else. Every other day, someone gets pregnant. Someone drops out. People you thought you knew end up smoking pot in the parking lot. The cool kids skip school and don’t get into their college of choice. This is the real world. Disney should be ashamed of themselves. I’m sure the songs are cleverly written, and that there’s a good theme deep down in there about friendship and caring and sharing your toys, but this is the 21st century. Every other channel on TV has ED pill ads, weight lose ads, and crime shows with murder. If we’re willing to show them the bad sides of adulthood so easily, then why must we show them lies about high school, which they’ll enter sooner than adulthood? Parents, whether you take your kids to this movie or not, it’s your responsibility to prepare them for the real world, where they will be faced with different races, religions, and hair colours. You need to teach your kid to stand up for themselves and do what they feel is right. You need to explain that not everyone is friendly and caring and that it is a dog eat dog world out there. Disney, stick to the magical, talking animals.

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Raaar! Ok so I’m kind of getting sick of being right about movies. Like for once, I’d love to be wrong about something. There will be no Eagle Eye review, because despite all my prayers, it still sucked. That thing had so much potential! Like the trailer grabbed you and threw you into intensity! But I couldn’t stay away from the early reviewers and discovered that my doubts were right. It bombed. It was nothing but a load of shit thrown together with Shia Lebouf and with Spielberg’s name in the credits. I mean it super-failed. I wanted to scratch out my eyes after just READING a general play-by-play of it! It was basically like: “Oh no, my brother died. Oh hey look, people are after me. Big brother is watching me. Stuff goes BOOM. Oh, this was all my brothers fault. Ladeda, oh look, if the kid plays that note, someone will die, so lets distract him from his music recital” I KNOW, WHAT THE FUCK KIND OF MOVIE IS THAT!? Like it makes me want to listen to Fall out Boy or something because maybe more suckage will counter that of that movie. But dude, like, that could have been such a great movie without all the supercomputer BS. Like a secret society controlling people and such. That would have been awesome. But no, it was just “Lets stick some random crap together and put some fancy names on it and make a quick buck by scamming innocent movie goers into thinking they’re seeing something worthwhile.” Dear Film industry, GET A FRIGGIN’ GRIP. UGG.

In other news, I saw Repo! The Genetic Opera’s trailer, and I got excited. Because it looks crappy, but the enjoyable, good kind of crappy that makes you go “omg wtf was that…lets see it again.” Haha. I mean, look at the description. Rock opera + Organ Failure. Like that just spells out badassery.   It’s by the SAW guys, so it obviously has a good plot with horrendous pacing and shots.

Anyways, don’t see Eagle Eye. Save your money to go buy a 5 Dollar Foot Long at Subway. It’s healthier than movie theater popcorn and pretzels.

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Wow, so I’m at school right now, so obviously, I’m not doing what I am supposed to. I just came across a film that looks marvelous.


This is my kind of thing. A musical about organ failures. Heck yes.  Limited opening Nov. 7th. Keep an eye out. I’ll be back with mroe information whenit become availiable.


Also, I’ll be late on my Eagle Eye review. Sorry for anyone hoping for that this weekend. I haven’t ben able to get out to see it.

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