
Archive for the ‘SciFi’ Category

Well, I finally got to see two movies I was really excited to see recently: Repo! The Genetic Opera and Wanted.

Repo! is a stunning musical rock and roll opera essentially about organ failure. It goes like this. When people started dying at a rapid pace due to organ failures, mostly caused by their own over indulgence in harmful behavior, GeneCo. was there to save the world. For a price. They supplied the healthy organs now, and you could pay later. But if you missed a payment, they had the legal right to repossess your organs. The movie follows a young girl named Shilo whom is kept in her room day and night due to an illness by her father. When she begins sneaking out, she slowly learns what a mess the world has gotten itself into. And when GeneCo’s founder finds he is dying of something incurable, he must find someone to leave his company to. His children are corrupt freaks. His tale intertwines with Shilo’s as it is revealed that Shilo’s father is a Repo Man, working for GeneCo and that he married the woman GeneCo’s founder was in love with. He pits Shilo against her father and she must decide for herself what is right and what is wrong. It is a clever story about being yourself regardless of what others think of you. The music is catchy and well done. The effects and scene transitions were original in themselves. I thought I’d hate it but it was pretty good. I give it 4 1/2 livers out of 5.

Now, Wanted was raved about by everyone and I really wanted to see what all of the hype was about. It’s a semi original story. it reminds me of Pulp Fiction and Fight Club and those types of movies thrown together. I thought it was predictable and at times, boring. The flow was choppy at times. The effects were enjoyable. The acting was good. The plot line was lacking. It was clever and fun to watch for all of the killing and action, but the who plot line was weak in itself. 3 bullets out of 5 on this one.

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Well, it’s been common knowledge for a while that Burton has been working on a live action version of the book Through the Looking Glass (also known as Alice in Wonderland). And now production is rolling and odd photos are coming out of th looking class. Take this for example:

Ok, uhm..what? What on Earth is this? Who on Earth is THIS!? Why, it couldn’t possibly be Johnny Depp wearing something rediculous in what is probably his 20th Burton film. Oh, but it is, it is. But what on Earth is Johnny supposed to be? The Mad Hatter, obviously. Doesn’t he just look so “mad”? Oh, and guess what else? Helen Bonham Carter couldn’t possibly have found her way into this one right, right!? Wrong! She’s the Queen of Hearts, obviously. And I’m scared to see what outfit she’ll be decked in, if this is Johnny’s. I’m not sure at all about this movie. I usually hate Burton’s stuff at first, and then it grows on me. Like The Corpse Bride. I started off HATING that movie. Now I adore it. But I still hate TNBC. Sorry to all of you wananbe goths but dancing Christmas skelletons just isn’t cool to me. Beedle Juice is wonderful. I think his Batman movies suck. Edward Sissorhands is okay. I’m not even sure what Burton thinks he’s doing. Sweeny Todd was good, but Depp sucked. So, I guess we must wait and see. Its current release date is 2010, but honestly…I think I can wait..this picture right here just kinda does it all for me right now.

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Alright, so I’m surfing through Yahoo Movies liek the dork I am and I’ve managed to come across some really interesting movies.. So, HOPREFULLY, I’ll be able to give you guys some good reviews. I know I’ve been saying that since The Dark Knight release, but eh, blame the failing economy for my penny pinching.

First up is Australia. I’m really only excited about this because it’s by Baz, whom is SPECTACULAR (spectacular ;D), and because it is starring the amazing Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman. It looks really interesting. Baz always makes really cool movies so I think this one will be worth the money as always. It’s basically a love story that takes place in Australia during WWII.

Next we have The Day the Earth Stood Still. While I’m not a fan of todays wannabe ‘sci fi horror’ ie: The Invasion and suspect it’ll be another shitty remake like ie: The Invasion, I still love the concept and original like ie: The Invasion. Will I see it? I don’t know…I might bootleg it like I did on several others ie: The Invasion. And I HATE Keanu Reeves. D:

Next we have Yes Man. Its got Jim Carrey, so I think its a safe bet. He has never dissapointed me in a comedic role. It’s about a depressed man whom uses the word YES to turn his life around, or so says Yahoo.. idk. I’ll get more info on with when I’m not at school, liek I am right now.

And finally, WATCHMEN. I am so BEYOND PUMPED for this shit. I read the graphic novel and feel head over heels for it. It looks fantastic. It still will not be realesed until March 6th, but I think it looks well worth the wait.

So, that’s really all I have for now. I’ll try to come back with some updates on the movies if any arrise. And I’ll hopefully get some good reviews on here for them. Thanks for reading.

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I’m going through a live run through of Scream 2008 on Spike TV

  1. Sir Anthony Hopkins is awarded for being a scream legend. He has portrayed some of the most horrifying and dynamic characters to date on the silver screen.
  2. Seth Rogan and Kevin Smith make Fantasy movies into pornos. I am officially offended, but that’s just me. Winner in the Fantasy Movie Category: Hellboy 2. Which sucks because those movies are retarded. Oh look, I’m a big smelly demon. I make smash. But the acceptance speech was glorious.
  3. Kristen Bell and Stan Lee announce the winners for the comic category. Some guy yelled “You’re the man, Stan!” And I agree 🙂 Winner in Best Comic Book: Why the Last Man
  4. World Premere clip from Twilight. Still the stupidest thing I have ever seen.
  5. Gary Oldman announces that Heath Leadger wins Best Fantasy Actor and Best Villian for his absolutely stunning performance in the movie, The Dark Knight. He has REVOLUTIONIZED the character, and very much deserves these awards.

And here’s where I get a lie and must stop.

This is why I said I wouldn’t be doing much until my computer was fixed.

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News has it that Sir Ian  McKellen  wants to return as Gandalf for The Hobbit.


Honestly, how can this movie not be awesome? Book by Tolkien. Produced by Jackson. Directed by Del Toro. I think we’ve got another blockbuster on our hands.  But changing actors has really bad effects anyways. I really doubt that those two would make a mistake as to suddenly changed Gandalf. They should really use the man that played Bilbo to make a comeback also.


This seems to be from the part after the trailer when Indiana is roughly thrown out of a car and out into the dirt just before the chase scene in the giant store room of artifacts. Here we see him behind his new Russian nemesis. Is she taking him here to find something specific? Perhaps, the crystal skull? All we can tell is that it doesn’t go well, from the violent fight scene depicted in the trailer.

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I am Legend is being released. Or is released. Idk. But there was an alternate ending I’d like to discuss.

Apparently, Neville and the creatures are in the lab, and instead of them killing him, he gives them the female he was working on and they leave him alone and let him escape with the other 2. That is a pretty crappy ending in my opinion. It doesn’t have any of the emotion that the one they kept does. It’s more dramatic to have your main character die off.

That’s all for that. I liked the movie. I don’t care to get the DVD though.

On to Cloverfield, which will be released on April 22. There’s a commentary by Matt Reeves, which will be awesome. we can finally get into the mind of the director and what he was thinking as the movie went on. There’s also something suspicious named “Case Designated: Cloverfield”. It is 50 minutes long. I think it might be where we get our glimpse of the aftermath. Here’s hoping. Easter Eggs (like the forums haven’t already torn through them all by now. Aha) A documentary on the making of it, heck yes! The visual effects, heck yes again! Those were absolutely STUNNING. Also something titles “I saw it! It’s alive! It’s huge!” which..might be interviews with the actors. Not sure.. Cloverfield fun, I smell Slusho. Deleted scenes, always interesting, as well as an alternate ending. I’m totally excited.

Matt is directing the sequel and Abrams is producing. It has characters no one expects to survive, apparently. I smell either the main characters, Hud, Marlena (ouch), the main dude’s brother, or..*dundun* the monster? And it probably won’t be handheld.

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