
Archive for the ‘Musicals’ Category

Alright, so I have a major beef with High School Musical. Besides the fact that it’s just plain retarded, but, excuse me, when did it become ok to lie to the youth of America? I think I’ve been over this before, but this series is a disgrace to film, first of all. But mostly, it presents the youth of America with a sick and twisted view of high school. High school is not a happy place where everyone gets the parts in plays that they want and the basketball team doesn’t win every game and there isn’t a happily ever after. The truth about high school is that you have to work for what you want and compete against cruel, backstabbing freaks that get to the top by lying. In the real world, the valedictorian cheated their way through school, and beats out those that spend hours studying. The ‘beloved’ sports players are not hot, but the school underdogs that are good at nothing else. Every other day, someone gets pregnant. Someone drops out. People you thought you knew end up smoking pot in the parking lot. The cool kids skip school and don’t get into their college of choice. This is the real world. Disney should be ashamed of themselves. I’m sure the songs are cleverly written, and that there’s a good theme deep down in there about friendship and caring and sharing your toys, but this is the 21st century. Every other channel on TV has ED pill ads, weight lose ads, and crime shows with murder. If we’re willing to show them the bad sides of adulthood so easily, then why must we show them lies about high school, which they’ll enter sooner than adulthood? Parents, whether you take your kids to this movie or not, it’s your responsibility to prepare them for the real world, where they will be faced with different races, religions, and hair colours. You need to teach your kid to stand up for themselves and do what they feel is right. You need to explain that not everyone is friendly and caring and that it is a dog eat dog world out there. Disney, stick to the magical, talking animals.

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Raaar! Ok so I’m kind of getting sick of being right about movies. Like for once, I’d love to be wrong about something. There will be no Eagle Eye review, because despite all my prayers, it still sucked. That thing had so much potential! Like the trailer grabbed you and threw you into intensity! But I couldn’t stay away from the early reviewers and discovered that my doubts were right. It bombed. It was nothing but a load of shit thrown together with Shia Lebouf and with Spielberg’s name in the credits. I mean it super-failed. I wanted to scratch out my eyes after just READING a general play-by-play of it! It was basically like: “Oh no, my brother died. Oh hey look, people are after me. Big brother is watching me. Stuff goes BOOM. Oh, this was all my brothers fault. Ladeda, oh look, if the kid plays that note, someone will die, so lets distract him from his music recital” I KNOW, WHAT THE FUCK KIND OF MOVIE IS THAT!? Like it makes me want to listen to Fall out Boy or something because maybe more suckage will counter that of that movie. But dude, like, that could have been such a great movie without all the supercomputer BS. Like a secret society controlling people and such. That would have been awesome. But no, it was just “Lets stick some random crap together and put some fancy names on it and make a quick buck by scamming innocent movie goers into thinking they’re seeing something worthwhile.” Dear Film industry, GET A FRIGGIN’ GRIP. UGG.

In other news, I saw Repo! The Genetic Opera’s trailer, and I got excited. Because it looks crappy, but the enjoyable, good kind of crappy that makes you go “omg wtf was that…lets see it again.” Haha. I mean, look at the description. Rock opera + Organ Failure. Like that just spells out badassery.   It’s by the SAW guys, so it obviously has a good plot with horrendous pacing and shots.

Anyways, don’t see Eagle Eye. Save your money to go buy a 5 Dollar Foot Long at Subway. It’s healthier than movie theater popcorn and pretzels.

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Wow, so I’m at school right now, so obviously, I’m not doing what I am supposed to. I just came across a film that looks marvelous.


This is my kind of thing. A musical about organ failures. Heck yes.  Limited opening Nov. 7th. Keep an eye out. I’ll be back with mroe information whenit become availiable.


Also, I’ll be late on my Eagle Eye review. Sorry for anyone hoping for that this weekend. I haven’t ben able to get out to see it.

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