
Posts Tagged ‘slumdog millionaire’

Another night, another otherwise deserved award granted to a movie chosen by Hollywood’s slaves. This years award theft? Slumdog Millionaire. A pathetically boring movie that caters to the bullshit trends formed by Hollywood to see what kind of shit they can come out with this time. We all know Ledger didn’t win those awards because he was genuinely GOOD, but because he DIED. None of the other nominees where good either. They just catered to the crap Hollywood wished for everyone to conform to. Look at the nominees. Its the SAME MOVIE. So why did Slumdog win? Same plot. Same filming style. BUT OH DANG. It has POOR INDIANS OVERCOMING POVERTY. The rest of the people in their hometown are dying from starvation and such, and we give them a trophy. Great going, Academy. Pity awards make me gag. I pray that this year has better movie choices. Oh who am I kidding. Best movies so far have been Gran Torino and Coraline. Still can’t wait for Watchmen.

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