
Posts Tagged ‘christian bale’

So it’s been a few weeks since Christian Bale went all BLAUUUGH on set. But seriously guys, I think he has the right to. I mean check it out. Like Bale is the star of Batman, right? But is he nominated for anything? No. Does he win anything? No. Does anyone rave over his performance? No. Did anyone buy the DVD to see him? No. Now granted, he does kind of suck at acting, but really guys, give him a break. We have basically thrown his role in his face and told him that we care more about a dead guy that plays an evil psycho than we do about about a hero. I’m not saying we need to start nominating him for things, let’s just save that for when he learns to act. But we should still recognize him at least. Give him a pat on the back. Nice job, Bale. Keep working at it and I know you’ll get there. You’ve got the potential, man. So lets not make him out to be the bad guy here. We are the bad guys. So lets give Bale a chance and stop making remixes of his breakdown.

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