
Archive for March, 2008

News has it that Sir Ian  McKellen  wants to return as Gandalf for The Hobbit.


Honestly, how can this movie not be awesome? Book by Tolkien. Produced by Jackson. Directed by Del Toro. I think we’ve got another blockbuster on our hands.  But changing actors has really bad effects anyways. I really doubt that those two would make a mistake as to suddenly changed Gandalf. They should really use the man that played Bilbo to make a comeback also.


This seems to be from the part after the trailer when Indiana is roughly thrown out of a car and out into the dirt just before the chase scene in the giant store room of artifacts. Here we see him behind his new Russian nemesis. Is she taking him here to find something specific? Perhaps, the crystal skull? All we can tell is that it doesn’t go well, from the violent fight scene depicted in the trailer.

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I am Legend is being released. Or is released. Idk. But there was an alternate ending I’d like to discuss.

Apparently, Neville and the creatures are in the lab, and instead of them killing him, he gives them the female he was working on and they leave him alone and let him escape with the other 2. That is a pretty crappy ending in my opinion. It doesn’t have any of the emotion that the one they kept does. It’s more dramatic to have your main character die off.

That’s all for that. I liked the movie. I don’t care to get the DVD though.

On to Cloverfield, which will be released on April 22. There’s a commentary by Matt Reeves, which will be awesome. we can finally get into the mind of the director and what he was thinking as the movie went on. There’s also something suspicious named “Case Designated: Cloverfield”. It is 50 minutes long. I think it might be where we get our glimpse of the aftermath. Here’s hoping. Easter Eggs (like the forums haven’t already torn through them all by now. Aha) A documentary on the making of it, heck yes! The visual effects, heck yes again! Those were absolutely STUNNING. Also something titles “I saw it! It’s alive! It’s huge!” which..might be interviews with the actors. Not sure.. Cloverfield fun, I smell Slusho. Deleted scenes, always interesting, as well as an alternate ending. I’m totally excited.

Matt is directing the sequel and Abrams is producing. It has characters no one expects to survive, apparently. I smell either the main characters, Hud, Marlena (ouch), the main dude’s brother, or..*dundun* the monster? And it probably won’t be handheld.

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ANOTHER ONE? When will these guys give up!? These films or so freaking terrible, the only funny thing about them is how terrible they are! Ok, so the first 3 Scary Movies were funny. Now they’re just taking random movies and changing them up a bit and getting a 12 year old boy to fill it with fart and sex jokes. They’re just movies to make middle school.elementary school students think they’re seeing a ‘big people’ comedy. And look at the last line of the Yahoo! Movie’s synopsis: More importantly, will we stop laughing long enough to notice? Wow. It’s pretty sad when you have to TELL people you are a funny movie instead of letting them notice it for themselves, oh but wait a minute, the only people who actually enjoy these movies are , like I said, stupid little kids and the average moronic dumbass. It has like, half the cast of Scary movie and Pamela Anderson. If that didn’t spell BAD MOVIE automatically, then you could just look at the cheesy poster with the Wolverine spoof roasting marshmallows on his claws with the Fantastic Four FLAME ON guy’s fire, the fact that Pamela Anderson is popping out of her suit, or the Storm spoof zapping the crotch of some randomly pleased looking gentleman.

Hasn’t the film industry had enough garbage already?

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A new poster was recently released! It has a rather haunting, mayaistic colour scheme, not unlike the previous poster. This also includes a heavy use of foliage, which it was rumored to have jungle scenes, along with a snake, Jones’ ‘favourite’ animal ;3 . We also have his new arch nemesis, an unnamed Russian soviet, and Shia LeBouf as Mutt, the new comical side kick. We also Sallah’s replacement and a return of Indy’s past love interest, Marion Ravenwood. Probably the most interesting thing is the detailed, slightly frightening, depiction of the crystal skull. Below it shows natives chasing Jones, a scene quite common in every film.

Be on the look out at your local movie theater!

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Believe it or not, I love Harry Potter. It’s the movies I take issue with. First off, poor Rowling is having her life invaded ONCE AGAIN. She’s currently in court over a photo taken of her son. She wants privacy, people! Leave Jo aloneeee!!!

As for another beef with the films,  Emma Watson and Daniel Radcliff were nominated for best Actress and Actor. Wtf was the committee thinking when it nominated them?   First off, Emma isn’t a bad actress, but Yates (more on him in a minute) has like no character development for her, so all her character is is just some whiny know it all girl who doesn’t grow up. And then Daniel is just a bad actor. Deadbeat Daniel. He’s all…over dramatic and serious. TOO over dramatic and serious. “ohmygosh Dumbledore!   ANGST ANGST ANGST!” And in interviews,  he acts quite like the arrogant little douchebag.  THEN there’s David Yates. And, what the hell, he won best director on Order of the Pheonix!? What the hell are they being judged on? That movie was so terribly made. Its like “How much angst and turmoil can we fit into a one hour time limit? Really? Ok. And the other 3 minutes of this short ass movie can just be random sees of Trelawnee being weird and Umbridge being a bitch. There, I think we’ve got a movie.” Really, it was just Harry angsting, Hermione being all “lyke oh em gee Harry stop angsting”, Umbridge being a whore (amazing role, btw. Props to the actress, this was the only good thing in this movie), Dumbledore leering, and then battle scenes with random shit and music thrown in at odd points. Like Dumbledores Army. That was, what, a whole 35 seconds? The Harry and Cho scene lasted longer than the Dumbledores Army scene, sheesh! And there was that one kid that kept screwing up that was put there for random humour..wtf was that?

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So, for over a month or so now, the director of the final Harry Potter movie (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, for all those who have been living under a rock this past year) has been up in the air, along with whether or not the book will be split into 2 movies.

My opinion: WHY DO WE NEED IT TO BE IN 2 PARTS!? Yeah, I know it’s an important book, and I know the writers want to give it everything it deserves. But honestly, people are going to forget things between the two movies or be unsatisfied with the first installment. Why can’t they just make a really long movie? Oh, know who is good at making long, amazing movies? Peter Jackson. Though, he’s making Halo, Tintin, The Lovely Bones, and a bit of The Hobbit.  But I’m sure he’d make room for Harry Potter. Would that not be epic? A 5 hour Harry Potter film. Well worth the $6.50. And think of the popcorn sales!

But really, I’ll be pissed if it’s a 2 part crappy movie like the past few ones have been. Nothing is really official  yet, we’re just waiting on Warner Brothers’ official statement.

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The day the new Indiana Jones trailer came out, I was all over it. Now, something odd has appeared in the trailer.

How I missed this before, who knows. I was too happy about seeing the trailer finally too care.

If you watch the trailer, the Soviet Lady is leaning towards something. It then cuts to this metallic looking box with the words “ROSWELL NEW MEXICO” on it, and a pair of glasses are seemingly magnetically attracted to it.

We won’t know if this has any relation to the plot or if it’s just a clever little detail thrown in for a while. Just interesting that it was chosen for the trailer..

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So, ABC Family is having their Harry Potter marathon this weekend. I own all but the 5th movie, but still I couldn’t resist watching. I absolutely love the first two. But then the third one came on and I thought “Wtf is this?”. Yeah, I’d seen it like a thousand times but I hadn’t really thought about how different the newer movies are from the first two. Then newer movies are darker. Yes, they’re supposed to be, but it’s different. The grounds and Hogwarts in general have lost their warm atmosphere. Now it’s all comical and …well…edited. The Fat Lady is now a drama queen, Dumbledore is harsh and seemingly uncaring, the students run amok in modern clothing. What is this?! I know that there are different directors but, they could atleast pick up where the others leave off. There’s also the lack of character development as far as Hermione and the Weasley’s. We don’t even see the ghosts anymore. I don’t recall seeing Nearly Headless Nick since he was petrified by the Basilisk. Same with Dobby.

We need Chris Columbus back. Even if he did write a crappy Indiana Jones script.

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I hadn’t heard of this film until my dearest Mason asked if I would like to go to it. It was only showing one day at one theatre and he was going for extra credit. It looked pretty interesting. A comparison of how high school students spend their time in America, India, and China. Looked like your average USA bashing film, so I went for it. The film follows 6 students, each the top of their class in America, India, and China. The American students are your typical losers who do homework and projects the night before and spend all their time watching T.V. while still getting into the colleges of their choice. The foreign students, however, are portrayed as students who spend all of their time studying and practicing to be the best out of everyone. They were all very interesting people. But the film made them seem like they were machines who worked towards science and math 24/7. I consider this fairly inaccurate. First of all, it only sampled the very top students. If you looked at the average student, a better comparison could have been made, considering most of the people in the theater were not in the top 2% of their class like the people in the film. However, I do think the film presented a very good point, just not all together correct. From the way I see it, China and India are growing nations that are trying to reach the same level as the US. Engineering and sciences are the big fads in those countries, so of course that is what students are striving for. It isn’t that the US has a failing teaching system. It’s that India and China are trying to catch up with us, not necessarily overtake us. In America, we have more choices and more freedoms towards what we can do when we grow up, where as in China and India, it’s this, or nothing.Well, not NOTHING. But if you want to make money and do something useful in those countries, you don’t really have a choice. All together, it was a very well put together film. If you’re going into science or engineering, watch out. I recommend this to everyone. It is very enlightening and well worth the money.

For more info on the film, please visit http://www.2mminutes.com/ .

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