
Posts Tagged ‘yes man’

Hey guys! Merry Christmas! Hope you’re all fine and well. I got some movies for Christmas! Cloverfield and Indy 4, along with some books on the making of Indiana Jones. <33  Anyways, I forgot to write a review about Yes Man. But it was pretty good. It is well worth the money. I’d describe it as a combination of Dumb and Dumber and pornography. But well worth it. Haha. I’m going to try to hit the theaters tomorrow after all my after Christmas shopping to see The Spirit. I’m soooo pumped for it. Auuuh. Also hitting theaters is the new Tom Cruise garbage and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, which looks pretty nice. Idk. Not my cup of tea honestly. Well, Merry Christmas!!

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Alright, so I’m surfing through Yahoo Movies liek the dork I am and I’ve managed to come across some really interesting movies.. So, HOPREFULLY, I’ll be able to give you guys some good reviews. I know I’ve been saying that since The Dark Knight release, but eh, blame the failing economy for my penny pinching.

First up is Australia. I’m really only excited about this because it’s by Baz, whom is SPECTACULAR (spectacular ;D), and because it is starring the amazing Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman. It looks really interesting. Baz always makes really cool movies so I think this one will be worth the money as always. It’s basically a love story that takes place in Australia during WWII.

Next we have The Day the Earth Stood Still. While I’m not a fan of todays wannabe ‘sci fi horror’ ie: The Invasion and suspect it’ll be another shitty remake like ie: The Invasion, I still love the concept and original like ie: The Invasion. Will I see it? I don’t know…I might bootleg it like I did on several others ie: The Invasion. And I HATE Keanu Reeves. D:

Next we have Yes Man. Its got Jim Carrey, so I think its a safe bet. He has never dissapointed me in a comedic role. It’s about a depressed man whom uses the word YES to turn his life around, or so says Yahoo.. idk. I’ll get more info on with when I’m not at school, liek I am right now.

And finally, WATCHMEN. I am so BEYOND PUMPED for this shit. I read the graphic novel and feel head over heels for it. It looks fantastic. It still will not be realesed until March 6th, but I think it looks well worth the wait.

So, that’s really all I have for now. I’ll try to come back with some updates on the movies if any arrise. And I’ll hopefully get some good reviews on here for them. Thanks for reading.

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